
When i gave a birth, it was smooth. My husband whispered me, “your boy is so cute, but there’s sumthing happen in his lips.” I couldn’t say anything.. speechless.. I might be shock.. or languid.. dunno.. I was still lying on operated table.. I didn’t feel pain.. just thinking.. what can I do? Then my husband whispered me again, “it’s ok, he can undergo cheiloraphy..” I knew that a cleft lip could be successfully treated with surgery soon after birth.Ok, I believed in you, hunee..
Yup, my son got “only” Cleft lip (cheiloschisis), not cleft palate (palatoschisis), It was a type of clefting congenital deformity caused by abnormal facial development during gestation. Cleft lips or palates occured in somewhere between one in 600-800 births. Cleft lip which happened to my son, formed in the top of the lip, a small gap or an indentation in the lip (partial or incomplete cleft).
According to Wikipedia, during the first six to eight weeks of pregnancy, the shape of the embryo's head is formed. If the tissues fail to meet, a gap appears where the tissues should have joined (fused). The upper lip is formed earlier than the palate. This process is very vulnerable to multiple toxic substances, environmental pollutants, and nutritional imbalance. The cause of cleft lip and cleft palate formation can be genetic in nature. Some environmental factors that have been studied include: seasonal causes (such as pesticide exposure); maternal diet and vitamin intake; retinoids- which are members of the vitamin A family; anticonvulsant drugs; alcohol; cigarette use; nitrate compounds; organic solvents; parental exposure to lead; and illegal drugs (cocaine, crack cocaine, heroin, etc). Research continues to investigate the extent to which folic acid can reduce the incidence of clefting. When my pregnancy was 4 weeks, I got mumps, and I took many drugs. Mumps (viral) might cause cleft lip to my son. OK, it was from medical side.. or it happened to me because I didn’t close to God? It could be..:(
Then, I was back to my room, in Darmo Hospital.. a nurse took my boy, I carried him, stared at him, and suddenly my tear dropped.. confused.. my husband said, “It usually happens, take it easy.. he can undergo cheiloraphy”.. ok, I knew you’ve just made me comfort.. but I believed in you, again.. and again.. and it’s a must..
One difficulty, i couldn’t nurse him because of his harelip:( but I must try! If we had a will, we could do it! And thanx god, I did.
Days by days.. the next 3 months.. Bara had undergone surgery by Prof.Djohansyah and circumcision all at once.. alhamdulillah it worked.. first, i couldn’t stand on his crying.. but i had to be a tough woman! Life must go on! Alhamdulillah, his wound healing was good.. thanx for Allah, thanx for my husband and my family who support me, and of course prof Djohansyah..
dear mba yusra..
perkenalkan nama saya fitri, saya punya pengalaman yang sama dengan mba. anak saya skrg umur 7 minggu, mempunyai cleft lip di bibir sebelah kanannya. waktu saya tahu anak saya dilahirkan dengan kondisi seperti itu, dunia saya serasa hancur, nafas saya sesak, apalagi dia adalah anak pertama saya. sekiranya mba bisa berbagi pengalaman dengan saya, hubungi saya di fitri.bdg@gmail.com. terima kasih banyak.
Hai mb fitri,, memang jaman skrg uda jrg kejadian cleft lip. Langit2 mulutnya utuh ga? Kl cmn bibir separo aja, usia 3 bln uda bs dioprasi. Cepet kok operasinya,, jgn ditunda2,, slain faktor estetika, jg ntar bicaranya ga bagus. Skrg bedah plastik byk, prognosisnya bagus..
wah mba, makasih loh udah di respond. cepet lagi..
justru karena udah jarang itu mba, sampe hari ini kadang saya masih bertanya2, kenapa harus saya dan anak saya. air mata juga belom kering mba sampe hari ini, ga bisa ngebayangin ntar nya gimana.
anak saya sama persis kaya anaknya mba, cuman bibirnya aja. saya juga udah dateng ke rumah sakit di kota saya. operasi udah dijadwalkan 15 november 2011 nanti. pas di waktu anak saya umur 3 bln.
oya, saya mau tanyain setelah operasinya gimana mba? menurut yang saya baca di internet, katanya seminggu pertama berat banget ya mba? trus perawatan setelah operasi apa aja mba, yang mungkin bisa mambantu menyamarkan bekas lukanya nanti..
Kl sy uda ngerasa sejak hamil 6 mgg mba,, krn pas hamil 3 mgg kena mumps. Beratnya paska oprasi krn anakny nangis terus,dan ga bole minum pake dot. Minumny disendokin.. Tp gpp kok. Penyembuhan lukanya sktr 1-2 mgg. Ntar minum spt biasa.. Kbetulan anakku wkt itu asi dan dot. Lukanya emang kliatan dikit,, tp gpp,, anak sy tetep lucu dan ganteng,,hehehe.. Semangat mba,, dlm dunia kedokteran itu oprasi simple
Kl sy uda ngerasa sejak hamil 6 mgg mba,, krn pas hamil 3 mgg kena mumps. Beratnya paska oprasi krn anakny nangis terus,dan ga bole minum pake dot. Minumny disendokin.. Tp gpp kok. Penyembuhan lukanya sktr 1-2 mgg. Ntar minum spt biasa.. Kbetulan anakku wkt itu asi dan dot. Lukanya emang kliatan dikit,, tp gpp,, anak sy tetep lucu dan ganteng,,hehehe.. Semangat mba,, dlm dunia kedokteran itu oprasi simple
bekas lukanya ga usah diolesi apapun mba? misalnya salep atau obat?
iya mba, anaknya lucu, putih pula.. mudah2an anak saya juga nanti ga kalah deh, hehehehehe
Seinget sy kok ga perlu ya.. Cmn dibiarin.. Lupaa.. Uda 5 th yg lalu.. Iya mba mkasi.. Kl inget dy skrg ga nyangka dulunya gmn.. Dan org2 pun nyangka bibirnya abis kejedok,, jd bkn krn sumbing.. Tenang aja:)
satu lagi mba, kalo pas minum susu pake sendok trus nangisnya keras, jaitannya bisa lepas g si??
aduh mba, makasih ya udah berbagi pengalaman.. setidaknya bikin saya agak tenang. mudah2an semuanya bisa selancar apa yang mba alamin. aminnn.
Insyaallah engga lah,, dokternya kan profesional,,jahitannya cukup kuat, benangnya jg ga perlu diambil.. Mestiny kl nangis krn haus,walo minum pake sendok,pasti dy seneng.. Sukses yah operasinya:)
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