Tuesday, January 10, 2006


It's very hard to teach syaafa toilet training.. but it's a must. I've taught syaafa toilet training since he was 6 month! I put him on toilet so he could urinate or even defecate. sometimes it worked, but sometimes it didn't work.. but i didn't want to give up to teach him.. some friends said it was useless to teach six month baby toilet training.. by the way, syaafa has never used diaper since he was born except he went out..
Nowadays, I am very happy because my effort to take him toilet is going well.. every morning, after he wakes up, i always put him on toilet.. and also after he has breakfast..
on the 24th of December (syaafa was 15months), i took syaafa to Malang, and you know, his diaper was not wet! it means that he didn't urinate.. well, my husband took him to toilet many times, first when we arrived at Batu, at public toilet.. and secondly when we arrived at syaafa's auntie at Malang.. so i could take off and put on his mamy poko pants many times.. hehehe..
It's easy to see his eager to urinate, first, after drinking alot, secondly, 2 hours after his lately urine, thirdly, i wonder if he stands up and he doesn't do anything, and finally if he touches his penis.. hehehe.. if i find syaafa with those conditions, i run and take off his pants to toilet..
Sometimes i find him bedwetting.. To avoid this one, i always put him toilet before he goes to bed, and if he wakes up during his sleep, i bring him to toilet.. unfortunately, syaafa is angry if i put him to toilet if he's sleepy.. so i let him bedwetting if he looks very tired.. However, i have to teach him not to have bedwetting anymore..

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